Working groups
Working groups are the core of our work and the primary way in which News Futures is organized. Anyone involved actively in a News Futures working group is considered a News Futures contributor.
All working groups are:
Conceptually, financially and operationally supported by News Futures staff
Made up of News Futures contributors
Led by News Futures stewards
Explore our past and present working groups; then learn more about how to join a group by endorsing the News Futures charter. Working groups will begin January-March 2025 and end by January 2026.
2025 Working Groups
(Coming soon)
Past Working Groups
Voces Locales
How can we create more understanding of the Spanish-speaking media ecosystem and strengthen its reach? We aim to establish a dynamic collaboration of Spanish-language news outlets, civic leaders, and media innovators united to revolutionize local journalism for Hispanic communities in the US. We want to empower Spanish-speaking newsrooms with shared resources, and a powerful network of support. Together, we'll tackle the unique challenges of our industry but Con Acento y Con Talento.
Standards for Information Ecosystems Research
What set of standards should we advocate for in local news and information ecosystem assessments? With Press Forward's launch, more organizations are mapping local news needs. However, some assessments lack rigor in data collection, accuracy and community engagement. We'll develop shared standards prioritizing community wellbeing and ethical research by studying existing work, gathering examples, and producing recommendations for the field.
Narratives for Media Reform
How might we ramp up News Future's influence to foster policy and cultural conversations around reimagining local news for our communities? We'll create a "publishing wing" to produce and distribute diverse media content (writing, videos, TikToks) about local news transformation, targeting civil society power centers beyond journalism. Building on our 2024 member survey, we'll focus on two priorities in 2025: establishing sustainable infrastructure for this work and launching public conversations through panels, podcasts, columns, or zines.
The Leaders
How might we better support journalists in their transition to becoming newsroom leaders? Journalists are trained to report, but as they excel, they are often promoted into roles that require skills in management, finance, strategy, and more. We will address the gap in leadership and management training within the industry. Through virtual convenings, we’ll engage current, future and past leaders to explore the types of training, community-building and resources needed at various stages of leadership.
Hierarchy of Information Needs
How might we refresh the original Hierarchy of Information Needs, articulated in our 2018 paper “Is Your Journalism a Luxury or a Necessity?” There is huge transformative potential in a structural approach to meeting information needs, where fundamental needs are addressed as a public good and higher levels of information preference are met by the market as a luxury good. This framework, created at the first meeting of what would become News Futures, has helped people around the world, but it’s time for a refresh.
Civic Alliances
How might we build stronger alliances with values-and mission-aligned people and organizations outside of the local news space? We’ll be getting to know civic allies who work across libraries, digital spaces, grassroots organizing, and more. We’ll host and participate in ~5 Zoom learning sessions with potential civic allies. Outside of those learning sessions, we’ll debrief what we’ve learned and identify areas of collaboration between News Futures and civic allies.
A Civic Information Endowment
What would a $1 billion economy for civic information look like? We'll envision an economic model for a reparative civic information sector focused on community wellbeing. We'll explore sustainable funding approaches from traditional methods (high-net-worth donors, proven fundraising narratives) to innovative solutions, aiming to develop mission-driven financing, grantmaking, mutual aid, and investment strategies that prioritize public interest and sustainability.
The News Futures Cookbook
How might we elevate examples of civic media being practiced by individuals and organizations in communities? We will help translate the News Futures Charter into an accessible, growing set of living examples (like a cookbook) for others to learn from, grow and advance civic information / civic health.
Gardening Club
A standing committee of 4-6 elected stewards serving staggered two-year terms to help define and advance News Futures’ strategy. The Gardening Club works in collaboration with the Lead Steward and gathers input from the broader News Futures community.