Hierarchy of Information Needs
Stewards: Sarah Alvarez and Harry Backlund
How might we refresh the original Hierarchy of Information Needs, articulated in our 2018 paper “Is Your Journalism a Luxury or a Necessity?”
There is huge transformative potential in a structural approach to meeting information needs, where fundamental needs are addressed as a public good and higher levels of information preference are met by the market as a luxury good. This framework, created at the first meeting of what would become News Futures, has helped people around the world, but it’s time for a refresh.
We want to help people create or re-align news and information services to meet current needs. This working group will reimagine the hierarchy of information needs and work towards a more nuanced, unified and actionable theory of informed and equipped communities. Our goal is to share these new frameworks in a well-designed, accessible and shareable collection.
Looking for contributors who want to:
Join regular meetings, approximately once a month
Participate in a design charrette for alternatives to the hierarchy of information needs
Engage in asynchronous reading, review and dialogue between meetings
Watch Harry describe the Hierarchy of Information Needs Working Group at our February 26 launch event: