

Sign the charter.
Join the ‘do’-ocracy.



We believe that everyone should have access to reliable news and local information that is actionable and relevant to their lives. That’s why we’re building a future for news that is service-oriented, participatory, and reparative.

This work demands that we reimagine news as an act of care for others [1]; and prioritize information in the public interest over commercial incentives. We advocate for news as a community asset that thrives based on the unique needs, assets, and culture of the community it serves.

As the U.S. confronts interrelated challenges of mass disinformation, civic disengagement, and the collapse of the economic model for local news [2], it is both necessary and urgent to coordinate across sectors, experiences, and existing movements from a place of hope—not to save “journalism” as an industry, but to establish it as an essential public utility [3].



News Futures is a ‘do-ocracy’ [4] and a community of practice [5].

We are journalists, organizers, educators, artists and public servants working together toward social change [6], information equity, and access for all. As a direct result of our deep community listening as conveners, information-gatherers, amplifiers, synthesizers, and system-changers, we assemble and support working groups within a network of problem-solving peers based in the U.S.



In order to respond to the most acute needs in our communities, we believe that...

News must evolve. This work requires the creation of new journalism practices and local news models that are more representative of, responsive to, and accountable to community needs. We support a paradigm shift in how news and public information is produced [7], distributed, experienced [8], and funded [9].

Everyone has a role to play. As we build this future, we acknowledge the media industry's history of misrepresentation and exclusion [10]. People who have been excluded from and harmed by the news media must have a reparative role in shaping what the future of local news looks like [11].

Storytelling should unite. News should not be a tool for domination, division, or oppression. We must take responsibility for the power of the narratives we produce and consciously adopt care practices that generate hope, restoration, and healing in our communities [12].

Collaboration is required. Serving all members of a community requires coordination and collaboration across a broader sector of community stewards. We are forming networks of ‘do-ers’—allies who reject exclusivity and gatekeeping in favor of collective power.

A vibrant civic life is our goal. The newsroom as a center of corporate interest is no substitute for news as a center of community engagement [13]. We stand for news and information that supports a more liberatory, joyful, and equipped civic life.



Join the News Futures community by endorsing and upholding the News Futures charter, the purpose and principles listed above. In return, you'll gain the opportunity to access to peer-led working groups, a participatory fund and a voice in shaping the future of News Futures.

What’s next? Learn more about the history of News Futures, check out our past/present working groups and join us.

*All signatories will be listed alongside staff, stewards and financial supporters on our community page unless a signatory opts out of public display. The News Futures charter is a non-binding commitment and does not establish any legal obligations.